Siku|atLlife.. Hello.. :)

..Life's journey is what we choose it to be..

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Live the life you've imagined.

In the eyes of a child...

there is joy, there is laughter... there is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future...

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Jun 29, 2007

The Reallignment

current job : i'm incharge as of today, but not next week. Kindly cc your requirement to dotdot & dotdotdot.. errr.. zarid, keje nih dotdot nanti take over ke.. aaa... yupp yupp.. email to dotdot.

new job : this blabla.. recommend your name to me.. Can you please.. err.. help me with this report, err.. report on.. er.. i'm not that sure.. err.. what report do you have ?

Jun 28, 2007

Creative Error Buster

balik dari course EQ arituh, kami telah membuat satu personality test.
The result are as below :

There will be fewer accidents on the road or at the workplace or home if people are as careful as you are in their approach to life. ((akk.. careful kah aku ini ?? macam konfius plak))You are cautious in who becomes your friends. You always do things very differently from others. You are full of new ideas, which you would like other to know. You may best do this by engaging in artistic endeavors. You prefer new approaches to traditional ways of doing things. Thus, you are likely to be seen as a reformer.

You empathize with people's problems and by doing so you would help alleviate their sufferings. The saying, Most organizations would happily settle for anyone as conscientious as you are. Sincere appreciation from others would make you really feel motivated.

With your strong orientation towards commitments, reliability and dedication you will be an asset to any organization, (( am I an asset ? to the organization ? hahaha.. )) You perform best in relaxed friendly working environment.

You should have more confidence in yourself. ((a'ah mmg tak konfiden pun.. )) There are times you must insist that things be done on time so that an entire system does not malfunction or becomes retarded as a result of an over-tolerant attitude toward those under your supervision. ((alamak.. mmg tak boleh jadik leader la cenggini.. tak reti nak marah orang.. )) Learn once in a while to get something started on your own, especially for something that you believe in.

Although patience is a strength, you must maintain a delicate balance so as not to sacrifice efficiency or allow other to trample your dignity. In the midst of the crowd, maintain your identity as a unique individual with your own thoughts and opinions.

strength; Always try to do things correctly ; Like to be precise ; Are quite and reserved ; Are cautious ; try to live in harmony with others; Set high internal standards for yourself

weaknesses; Tend to worry easily; Are easily bored, constantly desiring to do new things; Need constant assurance and encouragement; Tend to lack confidence in yourself; Are easily misunderstood by others; Tend to be indecisive; Tend to argue with others

p/s: gamba hanyalah hiasan .. semata..mata..

Jun 27, 2007


Daku bukanlah orang yang terrer benor bermain saham. tapi bila orang dah bagi free, tak buat apa-apa langsung adalah kerugian yang amat. Dan dengan berbekal peminjaman wang (tanpa faedah daripada FIL). Kami ((MDH & me)) bergilir-gilir menebus our ESOS shares. Langsailah sudah kesemuanya. My technique ((ewaahh.. mcm financial advisor plak)).. spreading my ESOS to several selling point. So.. jual satu-satu.. (( tak boleh nak tunggu lama, since modalnya kena di pusing-pusing)). Syukur alhamdulilah.. idakle daku menjual semuanya pada harga yang sungguh tinggi (cth : 11.20 ke.. 11.00 ke..) dan tidak la daku menjualnye pada harga teramat rendah ( cth : 9.70 ke.. 9.90 ke) spread penjualan at 10.50, 10.60, 10.70, 10.80. My chances of losing and making more pun 50/50. hehhee.. ((save measurement))

Alhamdulillah. Rezeki semuanya..

p/s: hrmp.. ada ESOS baru lagi tak ??? hehehhee.. v('-')v

Jun 26, 2007

..anak atuk..

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baru- baru ini....

Mama : Abang anak sape ?
Abang : Abang anak atuk.. !
Mama : Abang bukan anak mama ke ?
Abang : Bukanlaa.. abang anak atuk..

cucu-cucu kesayangan atuk & opah nih.. ((memandangkan mmg ada 2 ketul jek cucunye)) sungguhlah manja. Hermp.. cakap jek apa nak... mesti dapat punya. Latest... abang suke la sangat dengan "weeee" (( atau lebih dikenali sbg 'gelungsur' ~ dapat nama 'weee' sbb bila die turun gelungsur nanti dia akan cakap.. "weeeeee..".. melekatlah namenye 'weee')). Bila dah pindah rumah yang lebih luas nih.. maka terlaksanalah impian nak 'weee'. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Atuk & Opah.. ((best betul jadik diorang nih..)).

Jun 25, 2007

Amirul first day at Tiaratot

the topic explain well , i think.
So, it's amirul a.k.a abang first day at new school. Sungguh bersemangat! .. bangun pagi2.. sanggup mandi sejuk-sejuk.. sibuk tanya mana beg abang.. bla blaa blaaa... and off we go to the office with him today. Masuk je ke 'school' baru tadi.. dia dah start genggam tangan mama dia nih. Jumpa teacher baru.. dia genggam lagi kuat .. dan buat-buat tak pandang jek teacher dia... Letak barang.. mama bawak amirul pusing-pusing kelas.. pusing-pusing kat luar kelas.. duduk kat meja luar.. amik kaler-kaler.. conteng kertas sket dengan dia.. & again explaining that.. mama gih keje kat opis ok.. kat sebelah jek. Abang dok kat school baru ngan kawan baru.. teacher baru.. ok. Dia jawab 'OK'. Mama pun bawak amirul jumpe teacher sekali lagi.. bagi hints, mama nak masuk opis dah nih... dah 8.15am. Teacher pun panggil-panggil amirul.. ajak tgk gambar.. ((lagi kuat abang genggam tangan mama)). Teacher pun cakap.. "mmg nangis first time.. takpe meh sini meh amirul.. " Mama pun tolak lembut tangan abang.. pass dekat teacher.. abang pun start tak keruan.. mama terus pusing dah langkah steady kuar..

"Mama.. mama... maaaaaaaaa..uwaa.. uwaaa.. "

Sorry sayang, mama kena juga pergi office.. mama kena jugak tinggalkan abang sekejap dengan teacher. Sekejap aje.. nanti abess keje mama amik abang ok.. abang belajar dengan kawan-kawan baru.. ok. Abang jangan nangis-nangiss... abangkan good boy mama. ((mama kat opis nih.. rasa cam nak jek pegi jenguk abang kat school baru.. Nangis ke lagi ? mahu ke dia makan ? mahu ke die berkawan ? .. serba serbi pertanyaan dalam kepala mama.. ?? ))
::some tips from babycenter:: If your child has separation anxiety, she probably has trouble being away from you. Here's how you can help her become more comfortable being on her own: Be confident about goodbyes. Your departure is hard on your toddler, but if you act as if it's no big deal and you know you'll be back soon, you'll help calm her fears. Phrase your goodbye in a sympathetic but matter-of-fact manner, and then make a beeline for the door. If your child does dissolve into tears, try not to let her see that her feelings are upsetting you. Practice being absent. You can help your child get used to your leaving and coming back by using a kitchen timer. Set it for five minutes, and tell her "Mommy's going away in the other room for five minutes, and I'll be back." Once she understands that you'll return, set the timer for longer intervals until she's ready for a longer separation such as preschool. Avoid sneaking out. Although you may think it'll help your child not to see you leave, sneaking out will actually upset her more. Once she realizes you've left without saying goodbye, she may cry and worry about your coming back. Show her you love her. Consistently give your child love and support and she'll build the confidence she needs to strike out on her own. Encourage her anytime she tries something on her own, but don't push her away when she runs back to you for reassurance. She'll want and need this for a long time to come

Jun 22, 2007

..beberapa point..

:: membebel ::
korang mesti pernah dengar punye pasal "hidup ini adalah ttg pilihan.." ~ Ada orang tanya kat aku, kenapa aku rarely marah, dan selalunye tak kesah aje ngan orang buat ape pun kat diri aku nih. Jawapan aku senang aje.. "biarla diorang buat ape pun kat kite, jangan kita buat orang sudah.. " . Tapi selalunye orang still tak puas hati.. dan tanya.. "takkan asyik kena dek orang aje.. cubala bangun dah melawan.. " Aku jawab : ".. ada masanya aku akan melawan.. tgk keadaan.. biasanya yang boleh menyebabkan kecederaan, hak yang mmg benar.. aku akan melawan.. tapi kalau soal sakit hati.. soal di umpat.. aku diamkan aje.. ".. ((malas...)) ~ Senang aje sebenarnya.. hidup ini adalah ttg pilihan..semuanya adalah pilihan diri sendiri.. bukan orang lain.. cuma ada diri kita yang menentukan apa akan jadi seterusnya.. Nak pilih marah.. boleh aje.. Nak pilih muram.. boleh aje.. Nak pilih tak kesah.. pun sebahagian daripada pilihanlah tuh. ~ pilihan aku.. bersyukur selalu dengan apa yang aku dapat..

:: iklan ::
so officially aku nak iklankan kekosongan apartment di bandar sri permaisuri.. kalau ada sesape berminat... boleh email utk maklumat lanjut. Berdekatan dengan lrt star / komuter station, servis apartment, ada swimming pool, dekat dengan sekolah, dekat dgn hospital, accesibility mmg bagus punya. Tingkat 7, end lot (extra tingkap), 860 sqft, 3 bilik. 2 bilik air (dilengkapi dengan water heater).

:: gambar ::
weekend nih aku try la amik gamba dry kc yang dah siap tuh.. hehehe.. utk tatapan umum.. simple aje.. tapi aku puas hati.. memenuhi citerasa & praktikal. ((suke suke)).

Jun 19, 2007

first trip from SA to office

hrmp.. i have to go to the office once again ((i'm still in cuti pindah mode)). I need to attend a meeting.. which will become one of my major kpi .. coming kpi's (( not until the official date 1st July)).

my first trip to office from SA. took only half an hour (( ONLY!!!!)) well.. previously staying so near at office... it took us at least an hour to reach our offices.. but now so far away.. can come early.. balik tak test lagi.. ((ahahahhaha)).

:: new home :
~ still kotak-kotak dan sepah mode ~ move in before grille install, but the contractor dah hantar certain parts semalam.. so our sliding door, front & back door is now equipped with wrought iron grille.. YEY!.. at least ~ habukk.. uhh.. uhh.. berhabuk.. ~ so .. belum boleh ajak orang datang lagi... hehhehe.. kalau nak dtg boleh aje.. tapi pemandangan tak brape indah lagi laaa.. hahahhaah (( macamla indah benar bile dah abess kemas))

:: kekanak ::
~ excited betul dok rumah bawah.. lari sane sini.. pantang orang kuar pintu.. mesti mengekor kuar .. ~ abang dah ada hingus.. adik dah start batuk-batuk.. ((kesian diorang.. byk habuk pindah randah nih)) ~ abang dah bawak motor die jalan di jalanraya... hrmp.. selama nih pusing celah meja makan aje.. ((heheheh))

Jun 15, 2007

new job, new scope, new things

ullalala.. i'm suppose still on leave today, but here i am in the office.. THINKING HARD!

dah lama tak berpikir secara critical.. hari ni, sikuat ke opis. unofficially melapor diri kepada new boss. new job.. new scope.. totally baru nih. Setelah 4 tahun setengah dok lepak-lepak jek, hari nih baru terasa nak laju dan move forward. ((POSITIVE attitude la konon.. har har))

banyak nak kena belajar..
banyak nak kena amik tahu...

i like it.. ?!

Jun 14, 2007

Emotional Intelligent

ORENBIJAK training kali ni mmg. sungguh mencabar objective yang nak disampaikan. Bukan calang-calang dugaan nak menutup majlis belajar tuh, bila one of the participant had epilepsy attack. Panik, stress, panggil la apa saja EMOTIONS yang ada.. sume sekali gus datang. Do I have the needed EQ at that moment ? Dah lama tak rasa cabaran yang besar dtg dalam mydaily life. Last sekali , maybe bila kena lahirkan anak. Something unknown, life at stake, but we need to go thru it.

Samale mcm semalam. For the first time in mylife; depan mata orang kena epilepsy dan lebih dahsyat lagi, sitting beside me, talks to me 1 sec before, and she had it. I saw she jerk before that, and asked her .."kenapa ? pening ke?" and she said.. " yalah.. i feel a bit dizzy. Sat beside me, take her spoon.. cepat sangat rasanya serangan tu happen.. She dropped her food.. start shaking .. hands, body, head.. everything.. It took me a while to move at first. I get up, hold her shoulder.. another one (sit in front of me also get up) and hold her. She started to 'menggelungsur' dari kerusi.... & .........

Takut gile ! ( that was actually what i had in mind) .. bile the epilepsy episode is starting to settle.. 4 -5 minute later.. I even check did she still breaths or not ? (don't die..don't die..). Scary sangat scary... But they say I was really calm attending to that situation; others said (especially women participant) they would had shrieked out and perhap 'pengsan' sekali sbb terlalu panik.

From the incident, we have a few extra point to ponder :
1. Please key-in your husband phone number; in your mobile with familiar name/calls " hubby OR husband OR mydarling OR Abang ((malaysian taula kot nak guest.. )).. so be ready!
2. Don't go anywhere alone... she's so lucky that she had it during lunch. Not alone in the toilet .. etc
3. When someone had an epilepsy:
- put spoon in between his/her teeth
- put she/he in the position he/she can breath easily

Jun 7, 2007

New Layout

hemrp.. busan lagi.. tukar layout lagi.

Antiaris Update

..we save rm750 on DIY the kc... baru separa siap.. hehehe..

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Jun 2, 2007

featured blog "yati's Closet"

ehhehehe... dahsyat.. orang lain tanak join ke blog malaysia nih ?
"A young woman, carrying the titles of mother, wife and student blogs about the love of her life, and her passion for baking."