We have again.. make another BIG step in our life.
Once, we have decided to get married a even though at that moment our net salary (after EPF deduction) was only RM980.00. We have just finished our study, only 22, barely know each other, but we took the risk. We draft our budget for the weeding, put aside half of the salary for weeding expenses and for buying essential item such as washing machine and refrigerator. Plan a head how our money will be distributed , the car loan, the house loan.. etc. After 6 month of engagement and at 23 yrs old , we were happily married. At the age of 24, we have already become a parent to healthy boy, we named Amirul Akmal. And to our surprise at the age of 25 , we were blessed again with another child but this time with an adorable little girl named Nurul Atiqah. Last year, might be the most luxurious year of our life.. we change from Wira to Matrix. We watch movies.. eating out a lot. Buy a new handphone to cope up with the technology and trends. (( hehehhehe)).
And this year..
Yaikss..suddenly we are in progress to buy a new house. So many things that need to be done.
1) Survey the location – done
2) Choose the most desirable house VS affordability – done
3) Eligibility letter for Loan – done
4) S&P signing - tomorrow
5) Loan approval – 21 working day
6) Get the key – Approximately in Feb/Mar07
7) Publish the apartment ‘FOR RENT!”
8) Move out & Move in
Ahahhaha, sounds crazy. But we have already half through it. So dude, our budget for the next 2 year will be very tight. Need expert help for item below :
1. Where can we find cheap but good item such as FANS, LIGHT and etc ?
2. Kitchen cabinet – good price, good finishing, fast..
3. Etc etc.. so many thing.. uhh uhh..
p/s: Pruzz, nampaknya kami terpaksa la reject offer utk beli rumah korang. hehehehhehe. * UHh.. big step, big money, big budget, big expenses, hopefully big in return. Insha Allah!*
6 kelebihan beli emas secara ansuran, Easy Payment Purchase ( EPP)
✨ *6 kelebihan simpan emas secara ansuran* ✨
Beli emas secara ansuran di Public Gold ini dikenali sebagai *“Easy Payment
Purchase” ( EPP)*
Apa kelebihan...
3 years ago
nak pinjam buku? sila.. sila...
akak, buku apa ni? buku interior design ker? hehe
semah, dah announce rupanya.. hehe.. well, that's a good investment, even with big money! selamat berangan2 nak mendecorate rumah yer! kitchen cabinet kakak opis kite kata kat 'mama kitchen' macam murah.. lokasinyer di jalan nak ke airport lama.. dekat2 ngan rumah baru kite nanti la.. camne ek nak explain?
sbb nak minta byk pendapat & tips. kena la berterus terang aje.. Karang bertapis tapis.. byk speculation plak. heh heh..
beli kat kedai dekat selayang, dkt je ngan rumah aku.. ahaks.. for electircal items la beb, tauke banyak baik oo, dia kasi diskaun dasattt
kitchen cabinet, maybe boleh tanya aini, ada sedara dia buat, aku puas hati la tgk cabinet dia
aku pon tgh survey KC & senarai KC shop kami tak masuk la kedai hebat2 eg:SignatureKict or MamaKict..setakat ni baru gi 1 kedai KC..minggu2 seterusnya akan survey lg sampai puas hati, dlm lists dah ada, cuma lom sempat gi
electrical goods..beli kat kedai biasa jugak lg murah, lepas kautim minta free gifts
good luck!
best toi nak cantikkan umah ni..kalu tak cukup budget takpe le buat sket2 dulu ;)
mama kitchen yg juli bagitau tu macam aku tau jek. lepas subang bestari & kg subang ek?on the way to shah alam
farra, semah.. actually tersilap la pasal mama kitc. tuh.. kakak opis kata kedai yg dekat ngan mama kitc. yg murah.. muahaha.. silap info..
setuju ngan farra.. kalau budget tak cukup, buat sket2 dulu.. benda2 yg perlukan pecah-pecah dinding tuh, dahulukan takpe.. sbb kalau idak nanti rumah bersepah & berhabuk.. kalau nak buat cornice pon buat b4 masuk.. KC kalau takde nak pecah2 dapur, boleh jer tangguh.. survey puas2!
me - tgh berangan nak ala2 sliderdrobe utk wardrobe nanti masuk rumah baru.. hoho
Lampu kipas ni kena banyak survey la..Area puchong dekat2 tesco ok gak harganya..Slalunya kipas + lampu boleh beli kedai yg sama..Kipas panasonic 3 blade (putih) paling murah aku dapat RM95. Harga biasa dalam 98. Kipas remote 4 blade kiotang beli euro uno, ok la harga 190+-. Kalo panasonic slalunya 200++. Orang kata kat Jalan PUdu barang letrik murah2..tatau la betol ke idak.
KC lak kalo mama kitchen tu mahal. Harga lebey kurang je ngan signature kitch. Try tanya Kentkitchen, dia slalu letak iklan dlm anjung seri. Kitorg pakai YKL kitchen, tapi ofis dia kat bangi. Harga ok & kualiti memuaskan. Yg penting nak survey kc ni kalo ada actual measurement dapur (ukur kat umah betul)+ rough design senang la nak comapre quotes. Kalo main tanya gitu2 je susah sket la.Setengah company (cth: YKL) derang bagi free quoatation + technical drawing. So, aku usung je la drawing tu ke mana2. Tapi last2 mmg YKL jugak pilihan hati..
Other questions?
Sleain tu, rajin2 la membaca.. Aku slalu baca forum2 ni..
Pruz aku ade soklan psl website yg ko kasi ni: http://www.fiscal-wise.com.my/FiscalWiseWeb/FinancialTool/Refinance.aspx
tak boleh kira aa
konfius cara nk gunanya
Assalamualaikum WBT
Saya, Yusman Hambali Ahmad @ SMe ingin menjemput tuan Bul / puan Semah sekeluarga ke majlis perkahwinan saya dgn Zalila bt Mohamed di
Dewan Jubli Intan Sultan Ibrahim, Segamat, Johor pada hari Sabtu, 17 Febuari 2007.
Semoga dengan kehadiran tuan/puan akan dapat menambah keberkatan dan kemeriahan majlis ini kelak. Untuk maklumat lanjut / peta, tuan/puan boleh click kat sini aje.
p/s: Bagi yang bertanya kenapa Segamat dan bukan Perlis, untuk makluman semua, ini kenduri sebelah pihak perempuan dan untuk pihak lelaki, masanya akan sampai nanti insyaAllah.
Mai tau ...
Farra: apa soalannya?.. Susah2 email fairuz.rahim@mmu.edu.my.
Sme:Tahniah. Kitorang ni tak dijemput ka?
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