ohh.. it's RED
same as ummi.. we have move to Annexe2 since last Friday
so.. this is the new RED office piccas
ahhaha.. sungguhlah terang benderang mate memandangnye..
same as ummi.. we have move to Annexe2 since last Friday
so.. this is the new RED office piccas
ahhaha.. sungguhlah terang benderang mate memandangnye..
merah itu menawan!
pasti warna merah tu dapat meransang sel sel otak supaya bekerja lebih gigih dan tidak mengantuk serta malas demi syarikat tele*om tercinta
attractive n nice design layout
sukenyer ofis korang merah! kite oren.. hehe.. but at my own cubic takdela warna oren, just the tiang2 yg oren.. kirenye korang lagi vibrant la.. hehe.. jik dicompare dgn Menara, mmg space kocik, tapi jgn komplen ok.. we must think for the company, byk save floor space dgn move to TM Annexe.. lebih padat tapi jimat space & tak byk sgt tpt nak kena 5S.. and lebih akrab dgn kawan2 seblah.. :) enjoy the new office ok? blehla lunch date sesama lepas nih.. hehe
takper semah..nanti ko nak lunch kat Menara nanti ko call aku yerrr..tapi lepas raya laaa..slamat berpuasa!!
semah! datang la melawat daku tkt 18 ;)
wahh korang dah berape kali pindah kan..kitorang jugak yang berlapuk kat bkm ni.. hehe
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