Err... you know what it means.. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah.. but the journey is not quite over yet..Baru nak mula..
Baru je tahu on the G4P2 last Friday morning (dizziness melanda smpkan tanya kat MDH pagi tuh "err.. ada gempa bumi kat mane2 ke ek ? kenapa rasa kepala rase pusing tak hilang2.."). Walaupun mengagahi diri ke office pagi jumaat tuh.. but surrender @ 10am kat Pusat Perubatan Menara. As I waited for turns to meet the Doc; counted the 1st day of the last menses... aa.. errrr.. it has been 36 days passed.
So bila doc (Dr Siti 'the attending doc on Friday @ Pusat Perubatan Menara) tanya mengapakah dtg ke klinik.. terus ajela ask for the UPT test + citer la sket sket background on the kepusingan kepala.. So.. it come back +ve.
Did ultrasound scanning with Dr Siti.... gestational sac is visible.. but surprisingly measured at 8 weeks. Suppose 5-6 weeks (based on date last menses). Abess sume angle dah Dr Siti measured size ttp 8 wks.... and to add with the kepelikan size no heart beat is found yet (Dr Siti kata.. it is normal for 5 - 6 week.. since kecik sgt lagi kan.. but size sac lagi menimbulkan tanda tanya.. ) Therefore I was scheduled for follow up scan after 1-2 weeks.. which falls to be set today @ 3.45pm.. (tapi Dr Zana 'the Gynae' on emergency leave plak tetibe).
Now the follow up is schedule next week pule.. tiba-tiba rasa nak go through a day pun jadi lameeee... what more 7 days from now.. Sighh!
Should i just walk in & meet with my OB-Gyn (a.k.a Dr Nora) ? or just wait for another 7 days (since tiada tanda-tanda pelik spt blood spotting atau ape2) ? Perhaps scan machine di Pusat Perubatan Menara)l tak cukup canggih ?
Experienced from G3P2 (here, here, here ) baru2 nih.. buat stress dan cuak tak tentu pasal . Rasa tak senang hati aje.. Sigh!
Hope everything is OK this time.. pray for us.. (fighting!)
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Apa kelebihan...
3 years ago
i'd vote for 'go now, see dr nora'. all the best.
yeap..go now and c the gynae
anything cud happen in 7 days. with the history u had, lets not wait that long. jumpe jer dr nora
hope everything ok.. :) my prayers are with you sis.
pergilah jumpa dr nora tu..
pergi jumpa mana2 doc available..dr idora ada..dr masyita ada ..mudah2an sume ok..;)
vote for jumpa gynae gak smah.. 7 days itu agak lama.
yeyyyy.. hope you have a safe journey with this one
don't wait semah! All the best :)
semoga sume ok semah! apa updates?
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