Setelah diberikan galakan demi galakan, akhirnye kemunculan my dear friend Jah blog.. kesampaian juga. ((ahahha.. jah.. kite promo blog awak.. bagi suntikan semangat nak update selalu nih !))
Itinerary Seoul Autumn 2019
Trip kami kali ni santai-santai je sebab musim sejuk cepat gelap.. Lagipun
ini merupakan trip repeat..Kami cuma beri priority mana yang penting dan
sesuai ...
TIP Melawat Akropolis Athens
Akropolis menjadi sinonim dengan Athens dan menjadi tempat pelancongan
utama yang menarik lebih 7 juta pelancong dari seluruh dunia setiap …
Alhamdulillah, semasa saya mendapat berita bahawa saya mendapat anak
saudara baru, kami menerima satu lagi berita gembira untuk Faiq.
Dua Sabtu lepas, Faiq...
welcoming 2019
welcome la sgt..dah masuk bln march dah..kuikuikui... New Year, CNY and
Valentine pon lepas dah...huhuu.. meh kite sambung cerita pasal azi
[Ramblings] Finally I Left
Peace Be Upon You.
So many things happened since the last post.
Between my last post and now,
I finally gathered enough courage and left ...
Jemputan Istimewa daripada Allah
Alhamdulillah, i can never be thankful for everything Allah has bestowed
upon me and my family. Alhamdulillah, Insya Allah, me and hubby will be
leaving fo...
Bab 1 : Sipi-Sipi Selamat - Bahagian 4
En. Barton Swift seorang pereka sejati. Sejak kecil, dia berminat pada
hal-hal mekanikal. Antara usaha pertamanya ialah mencipta satu sistem yang
terdiri ...
Abang & Jam Tangan
Ini jam tangan Ucu.. Ucu pinjamkan pada nawfal sementara ummi dapatkan jam
baru untuk nawfal. Masa nak bagi nawfal pinjam hari tu ucu minta nawfal
janji ...
Terjebak dgn korean skincare via Althea
Tiba2 malam ni terasa nak intai blog kawan2. Dah lama sgt tak update blog
sendiri or blog hopping huhu. Dan bila singgah di blog my fren farra, sgt
I am a milk factory and I am proud of it...
From where we leave the blog atmosphere, I actually got pregnant and had
given birth to a healthy bouncy baby boy somehow about 19 months
ago. Khalis is gr...
Random Friday
1. BigBos has been away for a week now. Im holding the fort with the help
of my sister. She sends the kids in the morning and fetch baheera, while I
fetch ...
Blessing in Disguise
You know how difficult it is when you have all the spirit to move on and
istiqamah (continuosly doing it), but somehow in the middle of the road you
found ...
of taekwondo & first grading
Kids joined Taekwondo early this year. Adam was the first to start
pestering us since end of last year. Naturally, he was the first among the
three to enr...
Sambal Hitam Pahang
Gud morning uollss..
Oleh kerana seminggu nih belum dapat ape-ape tugas, so aku nak hupdate
sikit pasal cara nak buat *SAMBAL HITAM PAHANG*. Aku bukan ora...
BBQ Chicken - Plaza Pantai
*Bangsar Trade Centre*
D1.14, Plaza Pantai, Off Jalan Pantai Baru, 59200, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: (03) – 2201 4150
webpage -
We never stop fighting the war!
*Dajjal *- he's coming. For sure.
Allah has said that he's coming, and Allah the Almighty, tru Quran has
never failed us, there's no lie in Quran, nothing t...
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{School Trip}
Assalamu'alaikum. Lama dah tak update blog ni. Hari ni just nak note on
lawatan sekolah yang Anisah sertai Sabtu lalu. Alhamdulillah, pihak sekolah
Good Weekend!
What more can u ask when your favorite team win their 1st game of the
season and rival lose so bad?
work instruction presentation tomorow!
Arsyad @ 2 Years
Dah bersawang blog mummy ni. Malas betul nak update.
Mummy dan Arsyad posing Raya 2013
Jom kita layan apa yang Arsyad dah boleh buat sejak masuk 2 tahun :
Tak sabar nak jumpa...
Ramadhan yang mulia!!! Insya allah....waahhh bestnye..tak sampai sebulan
aje lagi kita semua nak bepuasa ek..sonok sonok sonok.
Insya allah lusa saye dah...
the magic plak..
For some of you.. You might know that i started this blog after reading the
Then supposedly i share my stories reelating to the application of the
‘Virus’ terbaru yang menular telahpun menjadi fenomena pantas di Malaysia,
malah mungkin telah tembus ke beberapa negara luar seperti Brunei,
Thailand, I...
Guangzhou & HK yawww!! P1
Assalamu'alaikum!! One short announcement, I'm thinking turning my blog
into a traveller's or backpacker's (sounds more suitable) blog. Whatever
Yuhani! Ju...
of Moving On
What more naturally to come after ver-2 if it's not ver-3 right?
Have storage issue due to loadful of photos I uploaded here.
Time to move on.
I'll be here ...
A better way to prepare custom papers
Get the ready solutions to write custom papers:
Most of the students feel that writing custom papers is a tedious matter.
Is it true? In fact,...
Allah hu rabbi....
Ada masa hati kita lemah dan sgt fragile..bila ada satu2 perkara berlaku yg
melemahkan hati kita...pantas shj hati/mulut terlepas bicara mempersoal
Marathon update for the past months..
Oh dear, i’m seeing spider webs everywhere. pardon for the silence blog.
i’ve been busy elsewhere and the convenience of having instagram and other
mobile ...
Fayadid's holiday
Ini kisah semasa cuti sekolah pertengahan tahun. Lama simpan. Di bawah
ialah catatan Fahim berkenaan percutian kami.
Melancong ke Korea
Hari ini saya aka...
Selesai Sudah
2 June 2012, our house in Puchong host its first wedding ceremony. The
other three were held in Kuantan if you may ask. A simple but very merry
wedding. Ti...
Assalamualaikum...Very pleased to watch a snapshot of education program
that showing one of our batch friends on TV from the same company I'm
working in, a...
Alhamdulillah It's Friday ~ 1st Zulhijjah 1432H
Alhamdulillah, It's Friday and we are still breathing right now, alive and
kicking.. We get to meet again with the leader of all days, Friday.. It's
Antara dua persimpangan.
17 Oktober 2011:
Aku dimaklumkan bahawa kak Yani telah dimasukkan ke hospital. Walaupun kata
rakan-rakan dia dimasukkan ke wad kerana gastrik namun aku pas...
cupcakes ~ another angle
rasa macam tak caya dapat buat cupcakes ni. honestly frens, baking is truly
a joy to me. such a relief and feel so satisfy if i can decorate to the
best ...
Of Grammy's..
I am no expert to give away reviews, be it on the fashion scene that day
nor on the music heh..
But I loved
1. Katy Perry's dress, and her granny was cute...
hepi bifday buyah
Masok tjuk laen
da terlambat nak raikan hari jadi buyah emmmmmmmm yelah jwpan nyerr BUZY
cuti sekolah nie aq x de lah gi ane-ane sedehnye...
Maher zain - for the rest of my life
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was alway...
new account link
to all followers:orenputih menghadapi
sedikit masalah mengenai google account utk blog ni. sbb dulu orenputih
gune google a...
Table runner and cushion cover
Hi viewers.. just want to show you my new product. Table runner and cushion
cover. It is all DIY from my previous collection.
Blueberry oreo cheese
Wah dah lama blog ni senyap sunyi tanpa khabar berita kan! Saya pun hampir
terlupa akan kewujudan blog ni :p Sejak saya operate pada Ogos tahun lepas,
Sacrifice for a new life..
Ahmad Amal Najmi. Tarikh lahir baby Amal memang cute and will always be a
public holiday 01012010.
Pengalaman bersalin kali ni memang luar biasa sikit da...
Dania Darjah 1
Dania 1st day kindergarten, 3 year ago
Dania 1st day primary school
dulu pegi tadika bawak bekal botol susu
sekarang darjah 1 bawak bekal makan kat ...
8 Ramadhan / 29 Ogos 2009
Masih di rumah Dz2 d Setia Alam.......Sibongsu......Dz3 dah selamat sampai
ke Ottawa bagi menyambung kembali pengajannya setelah bercuti
Aloha Peeps!
I spent one whole day going through my old entries.
There were some good entries that I couldn't believe I wrote 'em myself.
Some were q...
tq semah 4 ur very big help...ya at last wujud jugaklah blog yg kuidam2kan..haha..updates insyaAllah...
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