Wisdom is knowing the right path to take..
.. being thinking a lot lately... of where am I ? What am I doing ? What should I do next ? what have I achieved .. This is the tiny part in me that being thinking about career. (Owh well.. i rarely took serious about advancing in my career) .. but.. after 9 year working in the same CO.
.. the average, plain and 'tak kesah' of me.. will I stay at this rate until retirement ?
haihh.. MDH used to tell me once ...that...
'at certain point of time, if you don't show any interest of becoming more of what you are (today), people just start to forget about you'
in fact tonite . I was chatting to a friend who was far more junior than me in work (he works in other business sector than mine) already passed his basic salary far beyond mine. And he was actually asking for an opinion whether if it is a good move if he's going for an interview session which would offer him a 30% increment from his current earning (hebat kan ? betapa dahsyatnye dunia pekerjaaan di luar CO. ku ini)
And me... what am I doing ? I am not at my best..and I am not working in the area I like most pun..
Now mengantuk sudah ai.. and blurr tatau nak sambung ape dah entry ini. Tergantung ?! Tak tahu ujung pangkal ?? Let it be.. lalalallalalala..
6 kelebihan beli emas secara ansuran, Easy Payment Purchase ( EPP)
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3 years ago
apelagi semah..bull dah bagi hint soh jadik WAHM tu.. (working@home mom)
it is not possible, with the talent u have ;) i wont think twice if i were u..cuma kene check balance sheet le..make sure what u get both nnt suffice nak tampung perbelanjaan rumah tangge
huda.. mane ade bull bagi hint nak soh jadik WAHM.. dia lagi suruh kite jadi back up ade laa... ((lalalalla.. ahahah))
hermp.. i'm currently nak bersungguh sket nak guna apa yg ada.. & tgh mencari peluang pindah unit..
Dah ckp kat boss dah.. die soh cari pengganti.. lallala..
bos carik lah. kang tak berkenan di hati plak.
aaa.. ye benar.. saya ada interbiu petang nih.. wish me luck.. once dah secure dpt tmpt.. 100% kena usaha keluar.. lalallaa
yes semah, in the Co pon awak masih boleh cari unit yg mungkin lebih menarik minat awak.. :)
mcm kite skrg, nak kata kerja kat unit tu best takdela sangat. but kita create apa yg kita nak buat hehe.. memandai jek kekadang tu but as long as i like :)
yes semah, in the Co pon awak masih boleh cari unit yg mungkin lebih menarik minat awak.. :)
mcm kite skrg, nak kata kerja kat unit tu best takdela sangat. but kita create apa yg kita nak buat hehe.. memandai jek kekadang tu but as long as i like :)
in whatever u do, i support u my fren!!!
x sabar nk gi pd :))
jadik freelance designer je auntie
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