Siku|atLlife.. Hello.. :)

..Life's journey is what we choose it to be..

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Live the life you've imagined.

In the eyes of a child...

there is joy, there is laughter... there is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future...

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Apr 24, 2011

Telekomunikasi & Anak-anak

I still can recall when I was in primary school .. the only fixed phone available in my kampung; hanya at ketua kampung or orang kaya. Orang kaya dalam definisi kami dahulu.. bukan lah golongan doktor2, businessman or lawyer.. cuma orang kaya yg kebanyakkannya mendapat pusaka peninggalan & tanah berdusun2 , berladang2 .. drpd atuk & nenek mereka yg orang2 pertama yg membuka kampung (seperti rumah nenek saya) hehehehhe...

Dulu kalau nak tengok TV .. berduyun-duyun kami ke rumah Nek. Canggih masa tuh.. tgk tivi ramai2.. kol 10pm camtuh dah abess siaran dah. either menapak balik rumah or kengkadang tidur terus kat rumah Nek.. sbb takot nak balik.. Gelapssss...

Dan tak lepas juga.. kemasukkan line telefon kat kampung.. rumah Nek gak le yg ada tepon dulu ..kalau nak guna telefon .. berplastic2 kak lang ikat duit syiling & bawak ke rumah Nek. Lepas guna telefon.. cek kat operator berapa caj.. pastu terus bayar bill kat Nek.. ((hahahahha)) Kak Lang telefon sape ek dulu-dulu??.. Hermp.. tak pasti siapa di call.. tapi selalu kena pi teman.. 

Bila my brother and sister dah start keje.. baru la rumah kami diterangi sinaran TV dan adanya talian telefon.. Canggih betul rasa masa tuh..  that was in 90's..


Anak-anak zaman sekarang mmg sangat2 hebat pendedahan dgn sistem technology & kecanggihan sistem komunikasi.. tengok saje snapshot dibawah nih.. Tak perlu seminggu dua utk dapat ilmu.. cukup sesi pengajaran 5 minit before pegi sekolah.. Hasilnya.. 

Friday lepas.. 

tgk le list Missed Call (Facetime) budak sorang nih..
selagi tak angkat.. selagi tuh tak kenal erti mengalah..

Sib baik petang Jumaat mama dok kat opis..
boleh la layan sekejap.. pastu kena pakai headphone le..
kang pening plak kepala orang sebelah2 dek non cakap kekuat..

tak cukup ngan call..
Die test CHAT version SKYPE plak..
siap pandai wat 'shortcut' chat tuh..  wwuwuwuwuuw..
Kesimpulannya : 

Bagus -- sbb skrang perkhidmatan dah murah dan mudah. ((unlimited internet dirumah & unlimited bb jugak di tepon, sevice sume dah free Skype ke Facetime ke.))
Mencabar -- aduhaiii.. mencabarkan anak-anak dimasa skrang ini.. 

Apr 21, 2011

Saya Menang!

saya menang .. saya menang!
disebabkan logo asal PET tu sangat2 la tak menarik.. maka tertarik di hati nak join competition ini..

weheee.. Yey.. menang 1st place lagi tuh.. lalalla
simple aje pun..  tak kesah la ek..  (^-^)v

First Place - Logo PET dlm newsletter 

Apr 20, 2011

Please respect others priority

Please get consent before deciding on behalf.
Prioritization : Your have yours & I have mine.. and they are not the same (full stop!)

Wordless Wednesday : Wordless kan ?

Apr 19, 2011

sikulat is ISTJ type of person

Did it in 5 minit before nak mandi pagi nak pegi keje nih.. lalalala..
ntah btul ntahkan tidak (very spontaneous answer) ... 

Am I ? ganas & garang gile orang2 ISTJ nih. huhuhuhu

Jung Test Results

Introverted (I) 58.62% Extroverted (E) 41.38%
Sensing (S) 51.22% Intuitive (N) 48.78%
Thinking (T) 55.88% Feeling (F) 44.12%
Judging (J) 59.38% Perceiving (P) 40.63%

Your type is: ISTJ

ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population.

more about ISTJ .....


responsible, planner, private, loner tendencies, perfectionist, organized, detail oriented, organized, would rather be friendless than jobless, realistic, observer, clean, focused, does not talk about feelings, finisher, punctual, private, does not appreciate strangeness, not adventurous, not spontaneous, follows the rules, dutiful, avoids mistakes, conventional, likes solitude, insensitive to the hardships of others, prepared, anti-tattoos, things rules are important, cautious, security seeking, prepares for worst case scenarios, logical, analytical, does not accept apologies easily, hard working

favored careers:

data analyst, scientist, researcher, engineer, financial planner, statistician, office worker, government employee, lab technician, nuclear engineer, office manager, biomedical engineer, account manager, ceo, investment banker, analyst, academic, systems analyst, pharmacy technician, network admin, genetics researcher, research assistant, strategist

disfavored careers:

entertainer, artist, filmmaker, musician, actor, fashion desinger, singer, music journalist, comedian, massage therapist, photographer, dj, model, author, bartender, painter, school counselor

Apr 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday : Brrr

.. i like! ngeee.. 

Apr 12, 2011

Mini Gathering @ TBR PD

Acaranya        : berendam, berenang-renang & makan
Tempatnya     : Tiara Beach Resort
Pengelolanya  : ribuan terima kasih di ucapkan kepada Jah & Zahan selaku penggerak
participant      : ibu, bapa, pakcik & anak-anak

Gambarnya banyak diupload di facebook, di sini teaser sahaja ye.. lalalalalala

Apr 7, 2011

75% off for Photobook Malaysia

Lom sempat lagi nak purchase.. tapi 75% off utk 11" x 8.5" which hanya RM64 sahaja for 40 pages di GROUPON Malaysia

sangat sangat menarik kan kan..

for RM64, you get RM256 worth of customised photo album from Photobook Malaysia. With this Groupon, you can get a 40-page ImageWrap Hardcover Landscape album (11" x 8.5") or upgrade to something else.

jom beli jom.. menarik 'groupon malaysia' nih.. hebats!

Apr 6, 2011

How to check your PST file size

Mari kita belajar tentang OUTLOOK lagi...

Senang saja nak check size PST kamu


1) Cari file pst dalam komputer kamu. Paling mudah adalah.. gunakan function 'Search' & taip '*.pst'. Gunakan wildcard atau pun tanda ini * supaya fungsi carian akan cari semua file personal folder yg ada dlm pc.
2) Carian komputer akan memaparkan nama file , size & di mana file pst.


1) Boleh juga check dari OUTLOOK view sendiri. See image for details
Click (kanan) mouse dan view Data File Properties pada Personal Folder (di tepi kiri outlook layout)
Macam contoh ini telah dinamakan 'asmasalleh11'
Properties for Personal Folder - klik pada 'Folder Size'

Di sinilah anda boleh lihat size folder (PST) anda dengan lebih details
berapa size calendar / inbox / folder2 .......

Moga dapat membantu.. lalalallala

Apr 5, 2011


Currently sedang cuba reviving my boss *.pst* file ... wuhuhu...
Tahukah kamu apa itu PST file ?
ini definition & penerangan mengenainya (source :

Outlook PST File Information 
Thousands of people depend upon Microsoft Outlook for their email messages, keeping track of contact information, organizing their calendars, and more. For many of them this software will work just fine, day after day, year after year. Until that one, horrifying day when instead of launching properly, Outlook instead displays an obscure error message. That’s the day many of us first learn about PST files. 
Whether we’re talking about Outlook 2003, XP, Vista, or even the newest version, Outlook 2010, every version of this program from the very beginning stores all of its information in a single file, commonly called a Personal Folders File. This file resides on your local hard drive, is often named Outlook.pst, and is used to store every piece of email you receive, every calendar item you create, every task you schedule, note you take, etc. (Inbox, Calendar, and Contacts.) Whether you get your email using a POP3, IMAP, or HTPP (Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail) account doesn’t matter. Once Outlook retrieves your mail it needs somewhere local to store it and that’s what the PST file is for. 
As you can imagine, the longer you use Outlook, and the more email and other information you accumulate, the bigger your outlook.pst file will grow. In some ways this is a good thing as it reduces the burden on email servers, such as the ones supplied by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), which often impose limits on how much you can store. But in other ways this isn’t so good as Outlook’s very own storage file can grow without bounds and end up having issues.
thousand of email.. not read lagi.. lalalala

Dengan kata mudahnya.. File dimana tersimpannya email-email di OUTLOOK kamu2 ituh. For an everage user, kamu mungkin akan mencecah size 1gig - 2gig mungkin setelah 2-3 tahun penyimpanan email2an. Let's define my boss as the 'super duper extreme user or usage?' hehehehhe.. PST file die mencecah 12 gig ((dan email2 ini hanya la email utk tahun 2010 sahaja))
Selepas beberapa symptom awal telah diberikan & dihiraukan.. Maka akhirnya musnah la jue simpanan yg sungguh bermakna itu. lalalalalalala.. the super '12gig' pst file tidak dpt dibukak & telah jugak dapat di repair wlpn menggunakan 'scanpst.exe'
So today... marikite mencuba lagi.. so far so good..

Pengajaran :
Sila jangan melebihi 2-3 gig ye setiap satu pst file mu.. lalallala.