Siku|atLlife.. Hello.. :)

..Life's journey is what we choose it to be..

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Live the life you've imagined.

In the eyes of a child...

there is joy, there is laughter... there is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future...

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Jun 30, 2009

The Sad News

Tajuk pun dah berikan gambaran apa yang bakal posting nih katakan.

It's a devastated news for us... me & hubby and even the plus two.. (especially si 'kakak' yg nampaknye belum berkesempatan lagi nak jadi kakak dlm masa terdekat). So my dear readers... i'm schedule for a D&C procedure this coming Saturday for a mis abortion.

hari ini.. ku saja ambil a day off just to clear my mind.....

Jun 29, 2009

HCG Level

Hermp.. again..i'm on MC (today)
pagi nih nak kene pegi balik ke Primanora utk 2nd x amik darah for HCG level
Jumaat lepas dah amik sekali... So today is the comparison & result day (mngkn petang sket kot)

Why kena wat HCG test ?
-- Doctor... baik kat Level 26 (kat office) atau pun Dr. Nora tak pasti berapa minggu sebenarnye pregnancy ku ini. Jumaat lps masa Dr. Nora check.. katanya kalau ikut last menstrual date... should be dah 9 week dah.. tapi scan.. cuma nampak sac aje.. size lebih kurang 7 week... Was we miscalculate the date ? or ntah la.. So to be sure..Dr Nora schedule me for HCG test..

some basic info... on HCG....
hCG levels during pregnancy(in weeks sincelast menstrual period)
3 weeks LMP -- 5 - 50 mIU/ml
4 weeks LMP -- 5 - 426 mIU/ml
5 weeks LMP -- 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml
6 weeks LMP -- 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml
7 - 8 weeks LMP -- 7, 650 - 229,000 mIU/ml
9 - 12 weeks LMP -- 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml
13 - 16 weeks LMP -- 13,300 - 254,000 mIU/ml
17 - 24 weeks LMP -- 4,060 - 165,400 mIU/ml
25 - 40 weeks LMP -- 3,640 - 117,000 mIU/ml
non pregnant -- 55-200 ng/ml

p/s: doakan everything is ok.. harap harap.. cume miscalculate the date aje... hermp..

Jun 11, 2009

gravida 3 para 2

I'm actually on my 7th day of medical leave...
hehehe.. syok jugak dok rumah je...

Yup.. rakan2.. saya positive on my gravida 3 / para 2

cumanye ada blood spotting on thursday.. makanya diberikan ku rehat 10 days @ home;
currently on 'duphaston 1omg every 8 hour';
& alhamdulillah.. bleeding tade dah..

hermp.. next week masuk keje balik dah.. next following week baru ada next appointment (uh.. lamanye lagi..)

p/s: taukan ape itu 'gravida/para' ?

Jun 5, 2009

Not sure

hermp.. sebelum ni maleh nak story pasal nih lagi pd semua. Sbb masih terlalu awal.. tunggula kalau dah obvious sgt ke.. ok la kot. Tub tubb.. terjadi plak perkara yg makin mengurangkan kepastian kami ..Hermp.. ?!

wait till next following week to update on this.. hermp.. not sure not sure.. (tak sukenye perasan not sure nih!!!!) uhh..

Jun 1, 2009

1st June 2009

1st june.. was the date he said "Aku terima nikahnya... to me"
thank you my dear for loving me.. & the plus 2
thank you my dear for keberanian to marry me..
eventhough we barely know each other back then
thank you my dear for kesabaran & ketabahan melayan kerenah me
& the plus 2 for all these year
thank you for so many things..
thank you.. thank you...

Nota kaki :
Gambar hiasan ini penuh nostalgia
1) bajuku baru dijahit & disiapkan dlm jangkamasa less than 24 hour a day before the wedding
2) baju hubby pula adalah hasil pinjaman daripada pruzz (yati's) yang tingginya almost 1/4 higher than hubbyku & sampinnya pule ayah pruzz yg punye.. & diambil fresh dr rumah pruzz sekitar jam 7-8 pagi on the wedding day itself -- tak caya ? tgk lengan baju pengantin lelaki.. (muahahah)

"apa jadi ngan baju asal..." (muehehe.. panjang ceritanya..)