Dec 28, 2008

False alarm?

Abang kesian kat mama..
Kenapa ?
Mamakan pening, sbb tuh abang kesian kat mama.
Ye ke?
Ha'a abang kesian kat mama. Sbb tuh mama tak boleh nak suapkan abang nasi.

* Abang made the speech while menghabiskan sisa KFC yang dibeli MDH tengahari tadi. (err..sebelum tuh dia dah taram makan 2 ketul donut coklat).

Bangun pagi ini I had a ' kepala pusing + muntah angin ' . The nausea was so unbearable that I have to ask MDH to bring me to the clinic. Err.. as usual doktor will ask " married ?" I was like.. Yes.. but i' still had my IUD attach. And she smiled.. It is not 100% can guarantee no pregnancy. And I had to confess that .. this December -- my IUD should already expire.. hehehehe. Haa lagi dah expire lagi laa tak berfungsi... ohh..

I was ask to take a pregnancy test -- the result was negative.
Tapi doktor still pesan.. i might be to early to detect... ke ?
what about the IUD.. ? Kalau pregnant.. nanti boleh detach ke?
Dia kate normally, kalau dah ter'pregnant' diorang tak bukak.. akan dicari waktu deliver
Err... takpe ke doc?
Dah banyak kes.. takpe..

Err.. false alarm ?


y@tipruzz said...

wah wah wahhhhh!!!
u officiate the 2009 babies la kiranyer nih :p

eLLe said...

wa...nak tambah lagi satu..heheh..

Anonymous said...

oit.. negative la resultnye..
tunggula.. kalau tak 'p' lagi sebulan.. baru recheck.. hahaha..

tapi macam false alarm betul je.. sbb sehari je pening lalat.. skrang oke je la plak.. Cam rasa nak dtg 'p' pun ada gak dah nih.. muhahahhh..

buat saspen jek..