Jul 18, 2006

lama gile tak update..
sure bosan aje blogger sekalian bile terjengah ke sini..
alahai.. bukan tak hingin nak update..
tapi selalu tak sempat nak click ke address blogger nih..

what had happen to me this last 2 month ??
*i still managing the same workload and task (the carca marba one)
*i have become one of the item / issues in audit report -> pdn muke my bos! kuang kuang...
*the one that i don't like and don't like me either.. become my CHAMPION .. huhahahha.. ajaibnya.. no task has being assign yet (*) to me.. --> maybe still trying to lobby the bigger bos so that someone else take this CO-CHAMP post
*met yati/farra during my 3 day course at mmc.. updating each other as usual
*gain weight instead of losing weight.. hahaha --> mission OSIM selalu miss aje.. tak sempat nak UZAP, ada jek orang nak tolong sangkut diri kat mesin uzap sambil daku men'UZAP diri.. (atiqah tolong picit2 button, amirul test letak pipi, muke.. hidung kat UZAP tuh)
*get RM500 as a reward from selling XPAX.. alhamdulillah
* bla .. bla.. bla..

what happen to my two kids ??

*atiqah has 3 teeths..
*atiqah manage to stand up own her own.. sambil sengih sengih..
*amirul got pre birthday gift from Atuk & Opah - blue cermin mata + kokoyam @ pelampung (utk aktiviti renang) --> skrang dah jadik aktiviti mingguan utk dia terjun tiruk dlm koyam @kolam kat rumah tuh..
*amirul talk more and more .. especially "Mama.. jom, abanggg.. nak gi koyam..jom koyam mama jom"

not forgetting to capture this on myhp,pic of zahan @ astro.. monday lepas..hihihi...

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