Siku|atLlife.. Hello.. :)

..Life's journey is what we choose it to be..

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Live the life you've imagined.

In the eyes of a child...

there is joy, there is laughter... there is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future...

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

Still under construction.. :P

Will update the slider later later la ek.. maleh nak pk.. muahhahah.

May 23, 2011


** mari berjuang**

Fighting! My Dear Hubby, 
ni kata-kata semangat utk MDH for today.. lalalallala.
mari kite berkhidmat kepada negara..

Fighting! Me, 
As for me.. starting today, need to reschedule waktu kerja semula.. before nih.. waktu waktu ini (8.39am) mgkin baru nak masuk federal highway. Hari ni.. dah siap sarapan, dah siap bace online paper..

maybe leh la buat tentatively update blog on every morning.. bagus juge ini.. hehehhee

Fighting! Abang, 
Budak ini exam hari nih.. seperti biasa.. langsung tak setadi..
semuanya ok.. dan semuanya "Abang dah tahu dah.. "
takpela abang.. enjoy yourself.. hehehe.. ((baru darjah satu.. kalau darjah 6 nak wat style cenggini .. harus emaknya pengsan))

budak kaca mata