Siku|atLlife.. Hello.. :)

..Life's journey is what we choose it to be..

Jul 30, 2009


asmas@llehSent from my HTC ...

Hasil Seni

asmas@llehSent from my HTC ...

Jul 29, 2009


move again.. sbb Ika dah discharge semalam.. kali ni ke c526 plak.. Dr Atiqah check pagi tadi.. demam amirul graph nye sudah bertambah baik.. masih ada fever tapi temperature nih tadela setinggi 2 hari lepas.. makin menurun... setakat malam tadi.. die tade high fever dah. Cuma buat masa ini kena diarrhea la plak.. yang tuh belum nampak lagi improvement nye. Muntah dah kurang, tapi.... "amirul kate macam kat dlm bumi tuh yg ada api tuh keluar.. dushhh"...

Jul 25, 2009

521 & 522

Start semalam petang, Amirul shows early sign of fever just like Atiqah have. Memula kami amik satu dos ubat demam ika.. but bile pepagi kol 4 tuh temperature die shoot sekali lagi ke 39.8.. aku bawak die pegi ke emergency department kat bawah tuh utk minta ubat demam die sendiri. Dapat satu dos voltaren.. die tido.. pastu bangun pagi.. lalallala.. hepi dan cam sehat. by tghari die panas balik.. so.. bila Paed (Dr Nur Atiqah) dtg buat round petang.....


Skrang dah ptg pun... Baru jek browse picture by Mdh pagi tadi... Siap ade burung tgh terbang tu.. I still dream that someday, daku punyai DSLR.. (padahal tatau gune pun... ahha.. :). Pic taken dr lvl 5 ward kekanak pantai medical c...

Jul 23, 2009

@ hospital

Hermp..after 4 hari diberikan paracetamol kanak2 dan antibiotik.. Budak kecik ini masih lagi alami demam..on off. So today, kami teruskan saje minta referal ke hospital..let her dijage dan dimonitor kat hospital plak.asmas@llehSent from my HTC ...

Jul 21, 2009

@ home

Budak kecik sorang tu.. Dah tertido.. (syian die demam...). Yg sorang lagi ambil kesempatan tak pegi school (tapi tgh tekun buat 'art & craft'.. Apentah yg di potong2..)asmas@llehSent from my HTC ...

Jul 19, 2009

Cards for everyone...

Esok birthday die... Tapi die plak yg buat card for everyone... P/s.. Tak jumpe card utk 'bapa'.. Manentah... :)asmas@llehSent from my HTC ...

Jul 18, 2009

Today @ pizza hut

Pre celebration for amirul akmal...He will 5 on Monday...muke seposen jek masa orang amik gambar.. apela.. (tgh tak puas hati.. kenapa soup tuh panas..) isk iskasmas@llehSent from my HTC ...

Today @ primanora

tengahari ada post d&c check up with Dr Nora. Tapi Dr Nora takde pun tadi.. (urgent kata staff die.. tak pasti ada orang beranak ke.. apekah kesnye ke) Ada Dr gantian.. tapi seriously.. tak best betul Dr tuh.. Macam nak tak hendak je .. Err... err...Ini budak.. orang nak amik gambar counter...

Jul 16, 2009

The next appointment

Ini bukan pintu bilik DrNora tapi Dr Zana di Klinik Menara (wlpn lokasinye di annexe.....)Well... Hari ni suppose to be my next appointment prenatal check up. Hermp... Pegi gak jumpe die; saje bagi update on the D&C. Sebenarnya suka btul ngan Dr ni.. Baik, sweet je... Penuh concern. Consultation...

Jul 15, 2009


New lanyard... Rasenye MDH dah dpt lanyard tu 4 bulan lps laie... RM10 per piece... UhhhSib baik tak kena byr sendiri...asmas@llehSent from my HTC ...

Jul 14, 2009


ada bas terbabas dari lorong naik ke Jln Pantai Bharu.. & menerjunkan bodynye ke lorong motor kat bawah bukit tuh.. isk isk.. hermp.. dari opis boleh nampak bas tuh, tapi nak amik gambar ?? alerr.. malas nak bukak tingkap plak.. camne la boleh terbabas ke lorong motor ntah le?? Update...

Jul 12, 2009

Jalan2 dipetang ahad

Balik dari Tesco... (membeli weekly ration), utk pertama kalinya kitorang benti sat kat tepi bukit kat stadium. Amirul kata "Uiyoo...ada ferrari...! Dahsyat!" Muehehe... Padahalnye org main go-ka...

For Sale : HTC Cruise II; Sierra 3G USB Modem

Semalam kite letak iklan kat tepi jek... hari nih buat entry full pasal jualan lelong phone & 3G usb data card... Murah murah!!! korang boleh bid di lelong @ contact me / MDH for details.. Kitorang jual murah gile nih.. sape nak beli..??? SOLD to Siti Zurina 17July09 -  HTC...

Jul 11, 2009

Berpantang, D&C

Berpantangyup.. kawan2 saya berpantang due to the miss abortion case last week. Not really berpantang macam orang bersalin.. but I do wear stocks..(atleast for a few days... hehhe), no ice drink, no 'angin' food.. ( ye ke?.. ntah... ikut rasa hati.. hihi). Thank you to my in laws (mak, abah, fizi.. for helping me around to do house chores & yada yada..) Thank you to my adik beradik.. who turns up & visits me .. Thank you MDH for meneman...

Jul 7, 2009

SOLD - canon S3 IS

please bid @ lupe nak iklankan kat sini.. bizi with other things lately... so here it is.. our Canon S3IS for sale.. of course it is USED item.. but rarely use ever since kami dapat Panasonic digicam free masa kes bergaduh ngan best denki pasal LCDTV dulu... siapa yang...

Congrate to hani & hire ...

Sms from hire pepagi tadi... "Hani Hire (1:02 AM):Salam. Alhamdulillah. Hani selamat melahirkan baby girl di Pantai MC, Bangsar jam 12am 7.007.2009. Weight 3.03kg."Dapat date 7.007 tu... Hehe... Congrate!!asmas@llehSent from my HTC ...

Jul 5, 2009



Jul 3, 2009

Check In

Sent from my Windows Mobile® pho...

Blighted Ovum

Thank kengkawan sekalian for all your support & wishes. Hehehe.. being me.. biasa laa... after some reading, some bertanya sane sini including bertanya kakakku seorang doktor.. ku redha & terima apa yang terjadi dgn tenang. Well.. cuba lagi di masa hadapan... Setiap yang berlaku tu kan ada hikmahnya.. (dgn musibah ini.. ku tahu betapa hebatnya my support group ' family & friend' .. & i'm thankful. Alhamdullilah...) Dr Nora prescribed...