Siku|atLlife.. Hello.. :)

..Life's journey is what we choose it to be..

Dec 27, 2006

just being myself

nothing interesting today in particular. just being me ((the eating blind salary type)). Doing nothing in the morning. browsing the web for no particular reasoning. And it hits me really hard (( I do bangs my head at door (mirror) while walking out from the building)) after listening to a lecture ((a real life story to be exact)) by a dear friend; which bring me back to sanity. I must not become like that.. I need to strengthen my motivation...

Dec 26, 2006

hati mana yang tak terusik ?

. . . . ....

another stay @ Pantai Medical Centre

Selepas trip ke-5 ke klinik utk seisi nebuliser. Doktor bagi kami refer letter utk ke hospital. Bak kata doktor tuh, mudah sket kalau di hospital, nurses akan monitor temperature baby + intensive care and nebuliser session will be given ((depending on the cases)).Hari yang sama, mmg she look...

Dec 17, 2006


FIL, MIL and BIL (baru abess SPM) telah terbang ke Medan Pasar, Bali pagi tadi. BIL dpt complementary ticket from Kem.Penerangan sbb. mewakili negara ke Kuiz Asean 2006. Under 18, still takbleh pergi oversea sengsorang.. so FIL & MIL pun pemergian sekali makan angin. Hopefully deme enjoy...

Dec 13, 2006

5 long days..

Facts :Admitted : Friday, 10.30am, 8 DecRoom : C412Discharge : Tuesday, 7.00pm 12 Dec* currently on MC until 15 Dec (yeyyy!!)p/s: apesal boleh tulis Aug erh? ergh.. kena admit balik cenggini.. waaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Dec 7, 2006

baca dari satu blog lain.......

SURAT KHAS BUAT MAK... SURAT KHAS BUAT MAK... Mak.....Terlalu bosan rasanya duduk membilang hari..... Dah hampir sepuluh bulan mak pergi, Rasanya baru semalam mak peluk Aman kan .... sejuk sahdu masih terasa lagi nih....Mak tau tak..... itulah pertama kali mak peluk anak mak... yang nakal ni sejak Aman dewasa..... dan itu juga terakhir kalinya. Emmmm...rupanya mak dah tau mak nak pergi jauh..... nak tinggal kan anak2...

Learn to write in the sand

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. In a specific point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one, who got slapped, was hurt, but without anything to say, he wrote in the sand: "TODAY, MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE."They kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who got slapped and hurt started drowning, and the other...