Siku|atLlife.. Hello.. :)

..Life's journey is what we choose it to be..

Jul 19, 2006

update fotopages..

apa aku buat ari nih ?9.30am - 1pm - aku meeting1pm - 1.30pm - aku gi makan1.30 pm - 2.15pm - aku wat minit meeting tadi..lepas dari tuh...aku update fotopages.. hohoh.. lama gile tak update..1) entry 1 - trip ke brinchang - Brinchang Trip2) entry 2 - gih lumut.. Lumut Trip3) entry 3 .. aaa.....

Jul 18, 2006

lama gile tak update..sure bosan aje blogger sekalian bile terjengah ke sini..alahai.. bukan tak hingin nak update..tapi selalu tak sempat nak click ke address blogger nih..what had happen to me this last 2 month ??*i still managing the same workload and task (the carca marba one)*i have become...