Siku|atLlife.. Hello.. :)

..Life's journey is what we choose it to be..

Mar 31, 2006

good frens..

31 March - Happy birthday to Ceazar29 March - Happy birthday to Hanihehhe.. kome berdua dah sama cecah umur dengan saya.. hehuehue..semoga success selalu!!Semoga diberkati selalu dan bahagia selalu. Masing-masing dah ada haluan dan tujuan masing-masing. Moga tercapai impian dan senantiasa...

Mar 29, 2006

anak mama & bedak

p/s: mama nak sapukan bedak kat adik aje.. tapi abam pun sebuk gak... maka wat operasi make up laa....

still at HOME

"Jangan la "still die datang dah langgar.. gesel kepala.. tolak bahu...tepuk kasar tangan aku nih.."okla okla.. nak tido ek??"Dia senyum.. "YEYYY!!""Pegi carik mana botol??" berlarian dia mencari botol susu, jumpe di kaki pintu bilik mama & papa. Sambil lari-lari anak, dia kembali pada mama dengan botol susunya.Akhirnya dah tenggelam timbul berdengkur kat dalam buai. Sian anak mama nih, dari semalam demam , suhu badan still panas tapi mama nya...

Mar 28, 2006

demam la demam

Malam tadi lagi dah rasa-rasa kepala si abam ni panas panas.. kitorang bagi ubat demam biasa utk cegah lebih teruk.. Pagi nih.. nak siap gih keje.. MDH kate.. "Amirul fever lagi la mama"...and with his history of athma.. kitorang cecepat nak check ngan doktor, dignose budak nih. before lebih teruk conditionnye.Atiqah.. kena anta school sementara mama & papa bwk abam pegi klinik..karang kalau bawak dedua.. ulallaa.. tak terkawal keadaan.. Abam.....

Mar 24, 2006

another year ..

It's not about AGE,it's about ATTITUD...

Mar 22, 2006

adik & abam..

adik & abam...adiknye sengih dengan adiknye nangis.. kadang-kadang mama pun konpius..macam sama aje...abam (as the abang call himself) bebaru nih.. makin pandai dah..pandai nangis konon-konon..pandai cubit adik.. wlpn senarnya marah kat mama&papapandai dah cakap "papa.. duduk papa,...

Mar 20, 2006

bonus ?!

lapa sampai dah mengigil dah tghari tadialhamdulillah ; our GM (whom should be x-GM by the newGM tak jengah pintu pun laie) belanja makan tghari.. yumm yummm + K.Tim (her secretary yg akan dibawa pindah) bagi kek coklat.. hilanglah kelaparan tahap maksimaku...[1]sambil dok makan tuh; ummimon describe and ngomel on bonus; which bila dia mentioned "dah lama tak rasa , pleasure of bebelanja bkn utk keperluan".. berkira-kira juga diri ini....

Mar 15, 2006

Annual Leave

we have planning to have this 2 days annual leave since 2 week ago, and actually manage ourselves to request via SURIA (those in TM's familiar with this) last week. Mine was approved almost immediately as my 'bigBoss' come into office and one good thing about him; whenever i'm on leave, he'll...

Mar 14, 2006

you might not understand or remember

Basket case An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quraan . His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, "Papa, I try to read the Quraan just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon...

HFMD outbreak...

Banyak sangat kes HFMD kat sabah/sarawak.. as a mother of two young children under10; I need to do some research on how to prevent ! what are actually the sympstoms ? here goes some findings (simple explanation) from CDC website.What is hand, foot, and mouth disease? Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common illness of infants and children. It is characterized by fever, sores in the mouth, and a rash with blisters. HFMD begins with...

Mar 13, 2006


Additional NOTES on MAPS[1] comments; Need to be more assertive and to improve on the communications skills*Assertive “thesaurus meaning: self-confident, Self-assured, Confident, Firm, Forceful, Forward, Pushy, And Aggressive Am I timid? Shy? Nervous?With this performance rank and % .. don't think so I will be able to get 5.. har harr.. (of course la kan). But can I manage to get 3 at least? uh.. don't know lah. Poor me; the shy one. Huk huk.....

Thank you; Ilsa Imaan

ALHAMDULILLAH, thank you for the host!lama gak tak kumpul kumpul dengan member-member. Last sekali kumpul seramai semalam & selesa utk orang anak dah dua cam kami nih.. maybe hari tuh di rumah Halim (buke pose kroni's). Jln-jln raya hari tuh pun, tak seramai semalam.. hehehhehe[+] Amirul...

Mar 6, 2006

my TRUE colour

siku|at , your true color is Blue! You're blue — the most soothing shade of the spectrum. The color of a clear summer sky or a deep, reflective ocean, blue has traditionally symbolized trust, solitude, and loyalty. Most likely a thoughtful person who...

Mar 3, 2006

MIgrain??!! *ughh* Maintain ?! *heh*

2-3 hari nih, sepi sket dari blog..bukannya bizi sgt pun... bukannya tak ngadap blog.. tapi ntah nape tade semangat sangat nak update.. kepada plak asyik sakit ajek[1] takkan kena tukar power spec kot? isk isk.. mdh dah pakai spec + power yang sama since 2000 laie.. idak plak ditukar tukar...

Mar 1, 2006

my new 3g supported device

Chronology of events[1] mdh phone 'faulty' - takbleh tekan dah keyboard[2] mdh pinyam siku|at phone for a week - since tade sape nak call siku|at pun except mdh + call saje siku|at at office[3] mdh send his motorola c650 dekat booth mobile doc[4] mobide doc confirm c650 dah tak selamat,...