Siku|atLlife.. Hello.. :)

..Life's journey is what we choose it to be..

Sep 30, 2005

managing & accessing performance system

today task.. yeyy.. performance contracting for the year 2005...yah y...

Sep 28, 2005

daily rutine (now)

before tido, kena siapkan baju amirul utk pergi 'school', 4 pairs + 5 daipers (essential), sometimes dgn ubat batuk , demam & selsema, sometimes with additional bedak khas utk ruam.. ++, arrange all in the bag.. ready to go.. yahh.. DH baju kerja dah siap di gosok 5 pasang - nih kena wat rutine weekends (so no worry utk daily rutine). Early morning, wakes amirul and changes his daipers if needed (cth : too wet or has 'yayak'), send both DH and...

Sep 27, 2005

First Entry

Akhirnya berjaya potong rambut amirul yang sudah menutupi mata dan mececah bahu tuh. Kesian die, this few days bdn hangat aje.. (mild fever). Itu yang pakse juga DH turutkan anak-anak k.ngah ke kedai gunting rambut kat kampung (melaka) last weekends. Heh, with his new hair cut, ulalala.. hensem btul skrang nih, nampak cam dah dewasa jek... hensem boy.While our sweet little girl atiqah, nowadays dah pandai nak buat bunyi-bunyi 'coooOO..grr.. wuuuuu'.....

Sep 22, 2005

confinement period? kembali ke opis? ramadhan..

lama tak update blogs, daily ngadap internet, tp nak amik masa menaip blog slalu malas..Confinement period dah dekat the end, today Atiqah is already 38 days.. how was i'm doing with the my confinement.. err eerrr...DH parents dah balik ke Ipoh last week lagi. Which means as at today, Amirul sudah kembali ke 'school' (which we always tell amirul what nursery is). Hari pertama ke 'school' after 1 month long cuti sekolah, he cried aloud when DH drop...

Sep 8, 2005

how to upload vclip in blogs..

Disebabkan ada 2-3 orang bertanye.. hopefully penerangan nih dapat membantu.. sila sila..vclip die resize kan ke size yang kocik jek, senang nak uploadwat mase ni, paling mudah upload file movie ialah ke account yahooyahoo kan ada provide hosting utk website personal tuh,so uploadkan la movie kat folder yahoo.geocities korang dulu...lepas tuh, masukkan command utk play vclip...cth.. nanti gantikan * dgn < pastu tutup balik...

Sep 1, 2005

more pics of Atiqah

Dah balik rumah cheras dah..more pics of Atiqah.. ...